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《明日大致多雲》放映會+座談 ︳何穎雅 + Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga 錄象作品

日期: 6月26日(三) 時間: 下午7時30分﹣9時 地點: 德昌里2號3號鋪 (九龍油麻地德昌里2號3號地舖)

《明日大致多雲》是來自北京「家作坊」成員何穎雅和Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga於活化廳駐場期間共同創作的錄象作品。拍攝於今年春季期間細雨連連的九龍,在沒有天氣預報的藝術/社會行動旅程中,藝術家刻劃這座城市熱熾熾的寫照 — 從勞役、抗爭到改變,記錄這城一步步踏進社會政治轉變的臨界點。油麻地是香港少數鄰里舊物仍舊處處的社區本錄像作品紀錄了四個活躍於油麻地一帶的組織:自治八樓、德昌里2號3號鋪、活化廳、齊澤克學會,各自嘗試以持續的行動與稠密的城市和急促的生活抗衡,為這小小社群尋找更多的面向和可能。



何穎雅為北京藝術家空間「家作坊」的創辦人。她的作品多藉由不同面向的藝術語言,探索人、空間、組織與日常生活之間纏結的微觀政治關係。她平日好飲鴛鴦。 Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga是一名建築師和研究員,她亦為北京「家作坊」的成員之一。Fotini的實踐著眼於探索社會空間與物理空間交結中所蘊藏之可能性,此脈絡具體體現於她的策展、藝術創作及協作組織項目中。

藝術/行動者駐場計劃 2013」是一個期望結連亞洲及本地具政治/社會關注的藝術家/行動者網絡進而相互啟發的駐場計劃。計劃期間將開展一系列駐場創作、藝術行動、工作坊、講座等交流及協作活動,讓藝術家/行動者連接到本土社區,以創作計劃梳理當中的經驗;另一方面,我們亦期望讓此計劃作為一社會批判/政治性藝術的實踐/實驗平台,深化未來建立相關論述的基礎。最後,我們期望藉著藝術家/行動者之間的交流,開闊彼此經驗交流和可能性的互換,及至在未來相互協作,提供一個「東亞諸眾」的平台的可能。

art/activist in residence 2013:
Precipitations ︳Screening + Talk ︳by Elaine W. Ho + Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga

curated by Lee Chun Fung@Wooferten
Precipitations is a video work filmed in Kowloon, Hong Kong during the rainy spring of 2013, less a forecast than a portrait of the city, drawn via the journeys of several people involved to varying degrees with art and social activism. It falls within the precipices of an everyday and the realm of change, where such change comes about by the breadth of a footstep, with the crossing of a threshold and through the struggle for sociopolitical transformation.
Focusing on four groups , including autonomous 8a, Tak Cheong Lane, Wooferten and Zizek Society, spread around the vicinities of Yaumatei, one of the last remaining neighbourhoods of the city with vestiges of the old, precipitation occurs as the speed and density of Hong Kong's way of life and as movement—through the city, in between people, towards another direction.

Date: 26/6(wed)
Time: 7:30-9:00 p.m
Venue: Shop 3, 2 Tak Cheong Lane, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong

Abt the artists:
Elaine W. HO (HK/USA) works between the realms of time-based art, urban practice and design, using multiple vocabularies to ask questions about how people, space and organisation intertwine with the micropolitics of everyday life. Often working collaboratively, her audio/video work, documentary gestures and interventions focus on alter-possibilities of an intimate, networked production. 

In 2008 she founded HomeShop, a storefront space turned home base for interactions with the local community and the surrounding public space. Via the organisation of collaborative events and workshops, research and field recordings, HomeShop and its independent journal publication WEAR have sought to develop an open platform that examines the relation as a process tied to but outside of other economic modes of production. 

Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga is an architect and researcher whose practice explores the possibilities inherent in the intersections between social and physical spaces. Such context specificity finds working manifestation in curation, artistic production and collaborative organization, all of which point to an interest in structure as a dynamic of being and working together. She is one of the founders of PROGRAM in Berlin and co-organizes HomeShop in Beijing.