I. 湯皇珍(台北)﹣﹣ 尋找城市列縫 台北香港 + 藝術創作者以工會途徑突圍對於社會的積極意義:一種文化
II. 金江+金潤煥 (首爾)﹣﹣佔領的美學 + 文來洞 交響樂團 V.1.5
III. 市村美佐子(東京)﹣﹣無家藝術家
IV. 東亞諸眾峰會 2012 之 革命後的世界 + 流動酒吧大作戰
VI. Markuz Wernli(瑞士) ﹣﹣天台樹.你有份@廟街廿三號天台樹關注組
VII. Jean Michel-Rubio + Magali Louis(法國)﹣﹣香港有隻大金鋼
ISBN: 978-988-13136-0-7
This book records Wooferten's Art/Activist in Residency programme- conducted between the years 2011 and 2012- to create a platform for collaborative work between 8 different artist/activist groups from different cities. This plan was, at one and the same time, a means to demonstrate the ways in which artists develop media to intervene in struggles at home, while staging an encounter between their work and the neighborhood of Yau Ma Tei. The artists that this book introduces, whether their interventions inspired others to participate in struggles, or whether they entrenched themselves, silently and inconspicuously, in their neighborhoods, all raise important questions about the place and the role of the artist today. Each attempts to ask how art, or aesthetic experience, can continue to materialize spaces that generate heterogeneity and difference in societies condemned to the repetition of the same.
Download pdf 下載: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xdzqQBgh-HS-zA_OlWCj76H9GTHe1LsH/view?usp=sharing
Enquiry 查詢:info.wooferten@gmail.com / 3485 6499