Let's create the world after revolution!東亞諸眾峰會:「革命後之世界」
East Asia Multitude Meeting: The World After Revolution
與 會者: 素人之亂 (Amateur Revolt ) (日本)、Indie space AGIT (釜山)、直走咖啡 (G Straight Café) (臺北) 、 我們家(Wuhan Youth Autonomy Center) (武漢)、活化廳 (Woofer-ten)(香港)
來自日本的非常惡攪份子「素人之亂」、釜山的社運音樂會達人 Indie space AGIT 、臺北的社運咖啡室「直走」、
是次峰會以 「革命後的世界」為主題,概念源自「素人の亂」
Finally, the post-revolution world is coming!
Cultural/Art Activist from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Mainland China will gather in Wooferten by the end of this month (April), after the blar blar blar world leader summit conference, to share and exchange on their practice, holding meeting making preparation plans for the coming revolution!
These congregation, includes Japanese “Amateur Revolt,” Busan Revolt Concert indie space AGIT, Taipei G Straight Café, Wuhan Desireè Youth Autonomy Center, and Wooferten Art Platform.
East Asia countries, recently faced quite similar social problems. Due to urban renewal and commercialization and commoditization of space, the traditional community life is under the threat of the market. The bursting of the financial bubble, and social mobility but that of polarization and increasing gap between the rich and the poor, the destruction of rural and nature ecology that stirred the fight for land justice, to that of the anti-nuke movement after the 311 quake of last year. They are all shared local issues for the different places, which could provide lots of different perspectives on similar problems. And they are all here to share their activist experience from their praxis, so we could each learn from others and reflect upon our own case.
This “summit” has been named “post revolution world,” comes from the “Amateur Revolt” master-brain Hajime Matsumoto, who often call us to create the world post revolution. How actually will such a world look like? How do artists and activist from different places imagine of it and sought it after?
Panel: Amateur Revolt(Tokyo) ,Indie space AGIT,(Busan) G Straight Café(Taipei), Desireè Youth Autonomy Center (Wuhan), and Wooferten (HK).
日 期 Date:28.4.2012
時 間 Time:2:00-6:00 p.m
地 點 Location:佔領中環 (中環滙豐總行大堂) Occupy Central (HSBC auditorium)
查 詢 Enquiry:info.wooferten@gmail. com
臉 書 Facebook: http://www.facebook. com/events/220521604721166/
有關 素人之亂:
有關 Indie Culture Network AGIT:
有關 直走咖啡: