
「隔窗有嘢」八月呈獻 : 林嵐《傳宗接代,玩具盆景製作》
"Family Treasure - Bonsai making" by Jaffa Lam

Toys Wanted!!!

種完可選擇攞番屋企,或者我幫你保存,等你仔 女大咗接佢走。
Jaffa Lam will make a Bonsai from your old toy and the story behind it. You can take it home, or let her keep it for your children if you want them back later. Better than stock market, there is no crisis, and it would never be depreciated. What are you waiting for? For the sake of your next generation, invest your memories in art market NOW!

Please bring your toy to Woofer Ten on or before 25/8.
Limited seats for for Bonsai-making; first come, first served.

查詢Enquiry: 3485 6499 / info@wooferten.org

現場盆景製作Bonsai-making : 27/8/2011 [六sat] 2-5pm

林嵐 藝術工人,修補記憶。喜愛遊逛於各地,掇拾遺忘的城市、風俗、歷史、人文片段,再進行敲敲打打,娛人自娛。
Jaffa Lam – an art worker, repair service provider, specialising in memory. Wandering traveller and city picker, who loves to collect the fragments of city, history, heritage culture and humanities, and work something out with them.


「隔窗有嘢」是活化廳每月一度的活動,邀請不同藝術家整日駐留在櫥窗裏,以形形式式的展演展演面向街坊,與社區互動。// 策劃 : 魂游

See-Through is a monthly programme in which artists are invited to stay inside the windows of Woofer Ten at Shanghai Street for a day and explore the possibilities of live interaction with the neighbourhood community. // curated by: wen